World Health Organization
Global dialogues of WHO technical departments with Economic operators in the area of alcohol production and trade
16 Nov 2018
World Health Organization | 16 Nov 2018
The WHO’s dialogues with the private sector for a meaningful and effective contribution to the implementation of national responses for the prevention and control of NCDs in order to reach SDG target 3.4 on NCDs, while giving due regard to managing conflicts of interest. The objective of these dialogues is to support governments in implementing their commitment made in paragraphs 43 and 44 of the 2018 Political Declaration on NCDs (resolution A/RES/73/2), in particular by:
Producing and promoting food products consistent with a healthy diet, making further efforts to reformulate them in order to provide healthy and nutritious options, reducing the excessive use of salt, sugars and fats, in particular saturated fats and trans-fats, as well as providing appropriate content information of those nutrients, bearing in mind international guidelines on nutrition labelling, as well as to reducing the exposure of children to and impact of them of the marketing of foods and beverages high in fats, sugars or salt.
Read the report here.