World Health Organization
Integrating NCD and HIV care in Ghana through implementation research
17 Apr 2024
World Health Organization | 04 Jun 2023
WHO Mid-Term Results Report 2022-2023 Country Impact Story
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases, have become the leading cause of death in most countries, accounting for approximately 74% deaths globally. In Ghana, 45% of all deaths are due to NCDs, yet the capacity to address NCDs in primary health care (PHC) is limited [1]. In 2020, Ghana was selected as one of five countries of the NCD Flagship Initiative (2020-2024) by the Norwegian government in collaboration with WHO offices. This Initiative intends to address the NCD burden through PHC by strengthening key components of the health system in six regions. Through this initiative, NCD services in health facilities have been improved making possible for timely identification of NCD cases to be referred for appropriate treatment, thus minimizing further complications. In addition, the work on NCDs in the country sparked high-level political momentum, with the President of Ghana co-hosting an International Strategic Dialogue on NCDs and the Sustainable Development Goals in April 2022. This took place alongside a National Strategic Roundtable on NCDs that provided an avenue for partners to discuss sustainable support for the NCDs in Ghana.
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