World Health Organization
Placing health and wellbeing on par with economic performance: A Quality of Life Framework for Canada
Multisectoral Action
30 Oct 2023
World Health Organization | 12 Nov 2021
In August 2021, as part of a global Participatory Video (PV) VOICE project led by WHO, eight older people from four First Nations (Aundeck Omni Kaning, M’Chigeeng, White Fish River, Wiikwemikoong) came together on Manitoulin Island in Canada. They created their own film on aspects of healthy ageing in their context and used it for discussion with local stakeholders, guided by a facilitator from InsightShare. The activity was coordinated locally by HelpAge Canada. This short excerpt highlights maintaining health, social connectedness and age-friendly housing, and the importance of being heard, participating in decision making and caring for nature. More topics related to healthy ageing are discussed in their full-length film - available in early 2022.