World Health Organization
Thailand’s leadership and innovations towards healthy ageing
09 Feb 2023
World Health Organization | 31 May 2023
The Ministry of Public Health of Thailand commemorated the World Health Day 2023 with an online advocacy campaign calling the public to “Know their numbers” by measuring their blood pressure regularly and correctly. According to the National Health Examination Survey, in 2021, the estimated Thais with hypertension is 14 million and only about 50% of them are recorded to be under treatment. The campaign focused on reaching out to the remaining 7 million who has raised blood pressure and are not aware of it. This is one of the innovative steps by the Ministry of Public Health in improving the proportion of Thais with hypertension under treatment to reach the target of improving the hypertension care cascade with more than 60% control rate.
The campaign comprised a video clip contest, an online seminar in collaboration with Thai Hypertension Society and a social media campaign.